THE NIGHT @MARILYNMANSON TRIED 2 USE & ABUSE ME AS HIS PLAY TOY BY TRYING 2 MANIPULATE ME N2 BREAKING MY 5 YRS of SOBRIETY 2 SNORT COCAINE W HIM, WHILE GAS LIGHTING ME 4 HIS PRESS TOUR ON #MECHANICALANIMALS WAS WHERE THE DECADES LONG MENTAL & EMOTIONAL ABUSE BEGAN! LUCKILY I WAS NOT PHYSICALLY HARMED THAT NIGHT AS WE GOT OUT SAFELY, BUT THAT WAS JUST THE BEGINNING OF MY NIGHTMARE! #ISTANDWITHEVAN & ANY & ALL SURVIVORS OF HIS DEMENTED ABUSE! Manson has been obsessed w me 4 over 2 decades! Dont #BELIEVE me? Just LOOK @ THE PUBLISHED FACTS! He 1st wrote several passages about me in his book #LONGROADOUTOFHELL as we had met a few months prior 2 that @ a Premier 4 #HOWARDSTERNSPRIVATEPARTS IN NY where the #GROOMING process began. He grabbed my face in front of the crowd and kissed me w his Black Lip Stick that I couldn’t rub off all night. He proceeded 2 gush over me telling me what a “Huge fan” of mine he was. He then introduced me 2 his BFF #BILLYCORGAN All of this is documented in his book! He brags about it as if I was a special needs person he was making fun of. However this encounter is not only talked about in his book but is also discussed in @jennacantlose Autobiography. She NOTES HIS OBSESSION WITH ME there. But several months passed b4 he released the book making me aware of his 2 sided nature. B4 the book came out Manson heavily pursued a friendship w me. Telling me I was his idol. Telling me he actually got his whole style by watching my film #DREAMALITTLEDREAM & my character #BOBBYKELLER was the inspiration 4 his entire look. Idk if that was #TRUTH but he used it as a way 2 manipulate me. Months later he called me on Xmas morning, 2 wish me a “merry Christmas” & invite 2 a dinner party around the release of his book, @ the fancy Indian Hollywood hang Dar Macrabe where customers sit around on pillows as in traditional Indian style. When I walked in the rm it was quite clear that I was the “guest of honor” as the whole room stopped 2 take pictures of the moment as he hugged me, then grabbed my hand, & led me 2 the table by his side. THE PIC IS FROM THAT MOMENT! We later went back 2 his home where the nightmare began. He has messed w my life ever since.
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