Corey Haim tagged posts
Almost exactly one month ago, Corey Feldman and his Truth 4222 Productions LLC, premiere his long awaited documentary (My) Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys. In spite of malicious attacks that resulted in a distributed denial of service (DDoS), a total shut down of the service platform and numerous attempts from individuals to profit illegally from pirating the film, Feldman remains focused on the overwhelming response from those who have seen it. Beginning on Wednesday 4/22, (My Truth) will be streaming on VOD for one month! Advanced electronic tickets will be available beginning on 4/18 at www.mytruthdoc.com
“In the 25 years that Onstream Media has been hosting large pay-per-view streaming events, we believe that The Allman Brothers, live from the Beacon Theatre in 2009, grossed the largest amount of online ticket sales for any webcast; bringing in over $300,000. Our recent limited run of Corey Feldman’s “My Truth, The Rape of Two Coreys” has more than doubled that record” says Randy Selman CEO of Onstream Media Corporation
It didn’t take long for both hackers and haters to try and capitalize on this success by pirating the film, which led to hundreds of thousands of people viewing this important documentary illegally. Feldman has proven that nothing will stop him from telling his truth, protecting
children and working to change laws, but he needs for people to understand the seriousness of supporting the proper release of the film
Corey Feldman states “Given the world is suffering through so much pain right now ,it is a time to reflect and draw us inwards, as we think about how the world should look when we return to it. This is why I feel the film needs to be streaming for the duration of the quarantine, so we can
all learn how to better protect our children from this disease that has no cure.”
Charisse Van Horn Statement On Corey Feldman And The Wolfpack
In October 2017, I wrote an article about Corey Feldman for Celebrity Insider. He had just begun the Truth Campaign and did an interview with Matt Laurer. It was before Matt Lauer’s own sexual accusers would come out with their allegations against the news anchor and during the interview, he attacked Corey Feldman relentlessly. Corey was raising $10 million (he later dropped it down to $1 million) for his Truth Campaign. He had promised to make a movie that would expose the names of the pedophiles who had abused him and Corey Haim when they were teens.
Shortly after I wrote my first article about Corey Feldman on the site, I was contacted by a man named Scott Schwartz. He was a former friend of Corey’s, and a friend of Judy Haim’s and another former child actor. I did not know Corey Feldman at the time and Scott Schwartz immediately began to tell me horrible things about him. I conversed with Scott Schwartz to ask more questions which Scott kindly answered.
When all was said and done — I came to my own conclusion.
You see, when it gets down to it, the Wolfpack blames Corey Feldman for the sexual abuse Corey Haim went through. They don’t lay guilt on the abusers and instead attack Corey Feldman. The arguments that Scott Schwartz presented to me by email in November 2017 are the same arguments the Wolfpack lays out on every social media platform they can find.
My response to their argument is the same.
Corey Feldman was not Corey Haim’s keeper. He was his friend. Corey Feldman was sexually abused as was Corey Haim. They have both admitted this publicly. Yet the Wolfpack attacks Corey Feldman and not the convicted pedophile whom he alleges sexually abused both Coreys.
Doesn’t anyone find it odd that there is a group of people who attack the victim of sexual abuse and never holds the convicted pedophiles and those accused of molesting and raping others accountable?
Just like Scott Schwartz contacted me, the Wolfpack contacts anyone who they suspect supports Corey Feldman. I know this because after supporting Corey for nearly nine months, they convinced me that everything they had said about him was true.
When I supported Corey Feldman’s Truth Campaign, I had blocked many people from the Wolfpack. Many of the same people who I blocked then I have blocked again, nearly three years later. In June 2018, I had created a second Twitter account and for the first time was able to see the tweets from many of the people I had blocked. I saw several threads about Corey Feldman that showed a variety of highly disturbing screenshots. When I asked what the screenshots were, multiple people began tweeting at me their responses.
People whom I had never spoken to were presenting screenshots to make it appear that Corey Feldman was an abuser. Within several hours, I was convinced. I couldn’t deny the screenshots I had seen and it appeared that what the Wolfpack was saying was correct. Now that I look back at it, I see that they used many tactics that are actually the way cults and cyberbullying groups work.
Not only did they insult me for supporting Corey but they celebrated me for “seeing the light” and invited me to join a group where several of us who had left the Feldfam were part of. It was clear that there was a hierarchy to the Wolfpack and a lot of internal fighting was going on. But make no mistake about it. There were groups with “evidence” being collected, screenshotted, and shared. And Corey Haim’s mother was part of it all.
Though I hadn’t spoken to her, it was clear that the leaders of the Wolfpack were those who were in personal communication with Judy Haim.
Soon, the allegations against Corey grew worse. First, they accused him of trying to “profit” off of Corey Haim’s name. Then it was that he was sexually abusing women. Then it was he was covering up for pedophiles. Finally, they said that he had raped a woman. By this point, I was part of the team that believed Corey Feldman was a victim who had turned into an abuser. This is one of the Wolfpack’s catchphrases — Corey Feldman was abused and then became an abuser.
Only there is no proof that he has abused women. There is no proof he has covered for pedophiles.
An interview was done with a woman who made the claims that she witnessed a rape and I wrote an article about it. To this day, no one has come forward to say that Corey Feldman raped them. After several months passed (and some legal issues regarding the article) I chose to remove it. Needless to say, this did not go over well with the Wolfpack.
The Wolfpack makes you think that they are your friends and that you are fighting a good cause when the truth is that if you are speaking to someone on the phone, many times they are secretly recording you or other people are listening in. Then, when you have a disagreement or argument with a member of the group, your illegally recorded phone calls are used to harass and stalk you.
Other forms of intimidation take place on YouTube through “screenshots.” Anything you say to someone in a direct message will be twisted (and sometimes downright fabricated) then put on videos where panels of people attack you. The Wolfpack has taken the harassment from the online arena to real life where some people have been stalked, threatened, and had their personal information (including phone numbers and addresses) made public.
I know of several people who are in hiding from the Wolfpack and have or are currently in the process of legally changing their names.
It seems that the Wolfpack not only attacks Corey’s fans because they want to silence him from speaking out about pedophiles, but they also do it to try and get new members. When someone is a fan of Corey Feldman’s, Wolfpack members begin to tweet at them, and often these discussions go back and forth until they become ugly. They will show screenshots from their collection to “prove” what a horrible person Corey is.
They will then gangstalk and insult the intelligence of anyone who supports Corey. Keep in mind, Corey Feldman is announcing the names of pedophiles and trying to change laws across the nation so other adult victims of childhood sexual abuse can find justice. Sometimes the Wolfpack succeeds and Corey’s fans stop supporting him and join the Wolfpack. Other times they just go away quietly never to be heard from again.
Before Corey Feldman released his documentary, the Wolfpack announced it would never be seen. They said that he would never name names. They accused him of “holding the names” for ransom.
It was when he released his movie that I realized once and for all how horrible the Wolfpack is and that they are not revealing anything about Corey Feldman as no one has made credible allegations against him. Instead, the Wolfpack has joined the side of pedophiles and Marty Weiss, a convicted pedophile is part of their group. I spoke to Marty Weiss once in August 2018. I spoke to him once again on Twitter when I lost my temper because of the allegations he had sexually abused both Coreys. He blocked me and I have never spoken to him since.
Now that Corey Feldman has made the movie the narrative that Corey Feldman “has held pedophile’ names for ransom” has changed. Now, they attack Corey and his fans by saying the movie wasn’t enough or it didn’t reveal anything new. Still, the result is the same. Corey Feldman named six alleged pedophiles in a ring who abused the two Coreys and no one is talking about the men he named. Instead, the Wolfpack is still attacking Corey and his fans saying that Corey Feldman is the abuser.
By the time the Wolfpack is done attacking Corey’s fans, Corey Feldman is made to look like the abuser and no one is even talking about the pedophiles anymore.
There were six alleged (and some convicted) pedophiles named in Corey Feldman’s documentary and NO ONE is talking about them. Instead, people are attacking Corey Feldman who stated he personally witnessed one of the convicted pedophiles sexually abuse Corey Haim, Marty Weiss.
Yet no one is standing up for Corey Haim. No one from the Wolfpack, who says they love Corey Haim and must protect his legacy, will stand up against the men accused of sexually abusing him.
How does the Wolfpack believe that Corey Haim would have wanted them to embrace his alleged abuser?
Do people really truly believe that Corey Haim would surround himself and respect people who befriend pedophiles when he showed so much pain and hurt over being sexually abused as a child?
Corey Haim said on A Tale of Two Coreys that he was a cutter. This is a classic symptom of someone who has been sexually abused. Corey Haim was a sexual abuse survivor who was so damaged by what had happened to him he turned to self-harming.
Yet people who claim to be his fans spend time associating with a convicted pedophile — one that Corey Feldman alleges molested Corey Haim!
Anyone who thinks Corey Haim would support people who associated with his alleged abusers is out of their minds.
And that’s what the Wolfpack is.
They are consumed with hatred for Corey Feldman to the point that they treat him with more contempt than they do actual convicted pedophiles accused of molesting Corey Haim.
They have been on a mission to silence Corey Feldman as well as silence anyone who supports him.
Yet, they have said nothing about silencing the men who are accused of molesting and raping Corey Haim.
Corey Feldman’s fans should not be afraid to support him. They should not be afraid that if they like his tweets, convicted pedophiles and the Wolfpack will start targeting them on social media platforms and yes, that is what they do. Many fans leave a response to Corey Feldman thanking him for his bravery in speaking out. They are not prepared to have pedophiles and friends of pedophiles begin commenting on their messages.
The best way to handle the Wolfpack and their pedophile friends like Marty Weiss is to block them all. If you let them get into your head you will lose sight of what is important.
Protecting children.
Corey Feldman’s movie is important and it is needed now, more than ever. There are only a few movies that deal with this subject. An Open Secret is one. These types of movies are few and far between and it seems that when movies are made that address Hollywood’s history of childhood sexual abuse, the media pulls a “Matt Laurer”.
Instead of listening to what was said and being moved to create change, they attack the messenger.
Corey Feldman does not deserve to be attacked for speaking out against Hollywood pedophilia.
He certainly doesn’t deserve to have the man he accused of molesting him engaging in cyberstalking and harassment. But it’s a free country. Apparently, many people think it’s okay for convicted pedophiles to harass victims of sexual abuse.
I’m not one of them.
I do not stand with pedophiles. I do not stand with friends of pedophiles.
I stand with Corey Feldman.
Who do you stand with?

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