Monthly Archives April 2019
I wanted to THANK U ALL 4 the tremendous #LOVE & #SUPPORT but I also need 2 clarify a few things, so people can understand fact from fiction. A lot of people are placing their anger in the wrong place. We all want justice! We all want #TRUTH and we all want 2 #PRESERVEINNOCENCE However #EVERYBODY must understand that different groups have different agendas, so I hope U understand, that things R not always what they seem. But sometimes we havta roll with the punches, 4 the greater good. Hopefully this helps to clarify my position. I have a big fight in front of me, and I’ve been through Hell 2 get here. U don’t havta support my mission, but please know I don’t have a mean bone in me, & would NEVER attack a friend 2 benefit myself. Even though the media likes 2 sensationalize things, and throw plenty of curve balls my direction. #THETRUTHISCOMING#Kids2#ISTANDWITHCOREY
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